8th Wonder of the World
An all girls FLL team!
8th Wonder of the World
An all girls FLL team!
8th Wonder of the World
An all girls FLL team!
8th Wonder of the World
An all girls FLL team!

About Da Flock
Da Geese of Freedom is a community team based in Chandler, AZ and founded in 2020 by FRC Team 6413: Degrees of Freedom. We are the “sister team” to the all-boys FTC team #18445, BinaryBots Jr. Both teams were founded by the Si Se Puede Foundation. Our team is composed of five young ladies (goslings) of color. While some of us students have participated in other FIRST programs like FLL and FRC before, this is everyone’s first time competing in FTC. This team is meant to act as a bridge between the Si Se Puede Foundation’s FLL and FRC programs.
Below are some resources we have developed that may help other FTC teams. They include copies of the Engineering Portfolio, Engineering Notebook, Control Award Submission, and Control Award Video that we we submitted at our first competition. Acknowledgement of our support is always appreciated! Note: some of the larger files may not open on mobile devices.